Reflections is a dark fantasy series following the life of Nettle, a kit who dreams of becoming a great leader like both her mothers. But as cats start to go missing, Nettle finds out a dark secret that could change her heart, and the rest of the Colony forever...
Nettle is a young cat, determined to make her mark within the Colony. She dreams of leading the Storm Watch, just like her mother Flight before her passing. With such large pawsteps to follow in, Nettle often feels the need to impress her other mother and Dusk Watch leader, Ripple, as well as the other Watch leaders. However, she isn’t the most patient cat, and struggles to keep her cool underpressure. Her flowers are Peach Oleanders.
Drizzle is a cool and calm Colony cat. Though unsure of where her path might lead, she's happy enough to go with the flow. But don't mistake her attitude to life as laziness, as she is far from that. She is very loyal to her friends, family, and The Colony. Her flowers are Sunflowers.
Spark is an athletic and ambitious sam. They want nothing more than to be a Dawn Watcher, and love the idea of racing around the tree tops, hunting and scouting. They always seem to see the good in others, and are considered a polar opposite to their sister Nettle. Their flowers are Chamomile.
Bumble Bee is a small, short tailed fluffy molly. They are close with their whole family, especially their littermate Apple. Selfless and caring, Bee wants to be a healer for the colony. She is very passionate about her interests, and although usually timid, will ramble on about herbs and flowers all day long. Her flowers are White Double Daffodils.
Apple is the twin brother of Bee. He is an excitable and bouncy kit who wants to become a keeper. He is friendly and trusting, and probably a little too gullible for his own good. His flowers are Apple Blossoms.